How a back-office team can help you sell more policies

Aug 2, 2018 2 Minute Read

A dedicated back office team may be a golden ticket when selling insurance. While teams may differ in the services they offer, their primary objective is typically to assist an agent with their business as it moves through the application process. This way, you can continue to focus on what you do best, SELLING. This helps streamline the application process for both the applicant and you.

As an eFinancial eIndependent Partner, you can access a highly-trained back office to assist with your business, covering key administrative needs.

  • Wholesaler: Works with you to determine which insurance carriers and products to sell based on your business model and can assist with your marketing plans.
  • Account Manager: Guides you through setting up carrier appointments, helps with our Customer Relationship Management software ALISS® and answers questions about the variety of carriers and products we offer. They also assist with tentative offers and looking up information on placed policies.
  • Contracting Specialist: Helps streamline the appointment process with carriers using an electronic system, making it as simple and convenient as possible for an agent to get setup. They also help manage non-resident state licenses.
  • Application Development Assistant: Assists with making sure the applicant is scheduled for an exam, including confirming medical exam times. Then they make sure the prospect completes the exam and application before moving the application to underwriting.
  • Case Manager: Once the application enters underwriting, works with the applicant, carrier, and you to make sure everything needed in underwriting gets completed. Once the applicant has been approved, the Case Manager helps assist with the approval acceptance to get the policy activated.

By finding the right partner, your agency could instantly expand into a full-service life insurance agency. eFinancial is confident our dedicated team can help you. Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to give us a call at 1-800-648-9504.

The content presented in this blog is for general informational purposes only. This blog does not offer any financial or other professional advice or make any guarantees.