Life insurance for people with epilepsy

Nov 4, 2020 3 Minute Read

One in 26 Americans will develop epilepsy during their lifetime. Worldwide, there are more cases than autism spectrum disorder, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and Parkinson’s combined.

Like any medical condition, epilepsy can make getting life insurance coverage a little more complicated – but there are still options. Here’s what you need to know about life insurance with epilepsy.

Can you get life insurance if you have epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a condition that affects the brain, and someone is normally diagnosed with epilepsy after two or more seizures. Seizures, or sudden, uncontrolled disruptions in the brain, can last up to several minutes and are generally treated with medication.

Epilepsy often develops in childhood, but can happen at any stage of life. It is often brought on by strokes, brain tumors, injuries, genetic disorders, or other neurological diseases. For two-thirds of patients, the cause is unknown.

The impact of epilepsy on a person’s overall health can vary widely. Some people lead full lives with few disturbances. Others may struggle with daily activities, like driving a car, and live with a higher risk of death.

Life insurance provides financial protection when you die, so having epilepsy can impact your eligibility and rates, especially if it affects your life expectancy. But don’t that stop you from applying. Life insurance is still within reach, especially if you can provide the insurer with up-to-date health information about your condition.

When you fill out a life insurance application, your insurance company will want to know:

  • Your epilepsy diagnosis, including type and cause, if known
  • When you were diagnosed with epilepsy (more recent diagnoses can sometimes earn you a better rating)
  • How often you have seizures and their severity
  • Any medications you take, or other treatments you’ve received for epilepsy, such as surgery
  • Epilepsy complications or other health issues

They may also ask more in-depth questions and require a medical history during your medical exam.

As with many health issues, options for life insurance can vary a lot depending on how severe your condition is. If you have seizures less than once a year, for example, you may be able to pass a medical exam and qualify for traditional term or permanent coverage. If seizures are more frequent or you have other complications, no medical exam insurance may be a better choice for you, rather than something like term life insurance.

No matter what, it’s important to be upfront about your health. If an insurance company finds out later that you didn’t disclose certain information, they can reject your application or deny your family their claim to a payout after you die.

Tips for coverage

Don’t delay. If you’re putting off applying because you’re afraid you won’t get coverage, remember that your age is also a big factor when it comes to eligibility and rates. It’s better to start the process sooner than later, because the older you get, the more your policy will cost.

Talk to someone. A licensed agent can help you understand your policy options, especially when your health history is more complex.

Shop around. Different companies treat conditions like epilepsy differently. eFinancial works with a range of industry-leading providers, so you can shop different companies to find the right fit for you, all in one place.

Still have questions about life insurance with epilepsy?

Let us help you find the coverage you need if you’re looking for life insurance with epilepsy. Get in touch with us to speak to an agent today.


At eFinancial, our goal is to make life insurance simple, affordable, and understandable for everyday families. This content is intended for educational purposes only. Each post is carefully fact-checked, reviewed and updated regularly to ensure the information is as relevant as possible.